A backup generator will power your home in the event of a power failure. It looks a lot like an Air Conditioning unit. It's installed outside of your home. It's fueled by either propane or natural gas. It comes on automatically, only a few seconds after a power failure. When the power is restored, the generator will shut itself off.
You are probably familiar with portable gas powered generators. You need to keep a can of gas around to run them. They'll run as long as you have fuel. They are noisy and will only run a few electrical items. If you experience an extended power failure, you'll probably run out of fuel.
If you live in an urban area and you have natural gas, you never have to worry about fuel. If you are in a rural area, you can hook the unit up to your propane tanks. If you have a geothermal or oil furnace, you can have the unit installed with it's own propane tank.
Why Would You Want One?
We've all experienced the inconvenience of a power outage. Extended outages can be very costly for a homeowner.
If you have a freezer, you may have quite a sizeable investment in frozen food that could all spoil without hydro.
Home electronics are becoming more and more important. Your TV and computer may be necessary for news and weather updates during a power outage. If you are running a business from home, costs of being down can run up very quickly. Many of us have phones that will need to be recharged in an emergency.
Winter power outages can create some big problems in our climate. No hydro means no heat. In an ice storm, without your furnace working, frozen pipes could prove to be very costly. Many homes also rely on sump pumps. During a thunderstorm, if your power goes out, your sump pump will not be running, when you need it the most.
In the summer, a backup generator can keep you comfortable when the lights are out. With a backup generator, you can run your air conditioner.
How Does It Work?
In addition to the generator installed outdoors, you'll have an automatic transfer switch (ATS) installed near your electrical panel. The ATS monitors the power coming into your home from the utility company. If there is an interuption in power, the unit signals the generator to start. This process takes less than 10 seconds.
The ATS will run a diagnostic test automatically every week to make sure your system is always ready and operational. You can even monitor your home remotely with your smart phone. You can receive text or email messages that your generator has come on when you are away from home.
Your ATS will also automatically shut down your generator when the utility company has restored your power.
Affordable Investment
Backup generators are now surprisingly affordable. Many people have them installed at their home and cottage. Many new homes are being built with a backup generator. They can be fitted to almost any existing home. They are not just for the country, they are quite practical in the city as well.
What About Solar Power?
Solar Panel systems can also be set up to provide backup power, even when the sun is not shining. This involves installing batteries to store energy for use at night or when it's cloudy. A backup generator can be integrated with your solar array.
What Does it Cost?
Every home is different. The Hayter Group is happy to evaluate your home to find the solution that makes the most sense for your situation and budget. The Hayter Group has been serving customers across South-Western Ontario since 1952. We are also very proud of our Integrity Award from the Better Business Bureau.
More information on our products and service can be found at www.thehaytergroup.com .